Social Security is an earned benefit. You become eligible by paying the payroll tax during your working years, and the amount ...
The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) reduces Social Security for those who earn “non-covered” pension income their jobs, ...
The U.S. Senate approved a broadly bipartisan bill early Saturday that would increase Social Security benefits for millions ...
The Democratic-led Senate passed the measure 76-20. It cleared the GOP-controlled House 327-75 last month and will now head ...
Social Security recipients will see changes to their entitlements in the New Year, with the maximum benefit for 2025 at ...
For decades, certain provisions have reduced Social Security payments for retirees receiving public pensions. The Windfall ...
The U.S. Senate recently voted to proceed with the Social Security Fairness Act, a bipartisan bill that could expand Social ...
Only Republicans voted against the bill, which will see limitations on Social Security benefits for some 3 million Americans ...
CRS estimates that about 102,000 California spouses could also be helped by the legislation. A total of 6.3 Californians ...
The Senate on Saturday passed the Social Security Fairness Act, a bill that would repeal provisions that reduce benefits for ...
Congress gave over 100,000 public-sector workers in Hawaii an early Christmas gift by repealing provisions in federal law ...