Starmer insists he is setting out reality of ‘badly damaged economy’ as GfK survey shows sharp fall in household morale ...
Consumers are nervously awaiting the budget, reports data provider GfK, while national debt hits highest level since 1960s. ...
Some economists have linked the drop to officials' warnings of a "painful" Budget at the end of August, although it is ...
The findings of the GfK survey chime with official retail sales figures also released on Friday which showed sales growth was ...
GfK’s Confidence Index fell seven points to minus 20, with significant drops in predictions for personal finances and the ...
Overall consumer confidence fell sharply to -20 in September, with all measures down in comparison to last month’s ...
The last time the index declined so steeply was in April 2022, in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine which sent energy ...
GfK's Consumer Confidence Index fell seven points in September to minus 20, with significant drops in predictions for ...
Consumer confidence appears to have taken a big hit in the run-up to next month’s Budget. The reversal comes despite stable ...
All measures of consumer confidence including personal finances, the economy and purchase intentions, were down month-on-month in September, a new survey has shown ...
Consumer confidence in the economy and personal financial situations has fallen for the first time in six months, according ...